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photo's stolen??????

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 12:35 pm    Post subject: photo's stolen?????? Reply with quote

hi, ive just read on shq that people are having a right hissy fit about having their photo's supposedly stolen by people and then placed on this site with you simon trying to appease them by saying you'll have them removed ......what a load of garbage!!! these photo's are in the public domain ,placed there by the very people who are complaining about it. if they dont want their photo's shown and lets face it some of them are real stunners then the simple answer surely is to password protect them and only show them to people that you want to see them. i dont think you should be giving them any sympathy in regards to removing them as your not breaking any law........if you do sites like this are doomed as probably 95% of the photo's on here are not taken by the posters, id be interested to know what other members feel .......keep up the good work.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 6:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I totally agree with you in practice and as I wrote there, if just one of them can swear to their god that they have never breached anyone else's copyright, I will close the board down. A pretty safe statement I think!

However, by the letter of the law they are correct. Copyright does stay with the owner of the picture and we really should not post anything with a copyright notice on it, something I am considering adding to the rules to avoid further problems. Also, I have been with SHQ since day one, literally, and didn't want to make enemies there but that seems to have already happened so fuck 'em, I've finished with the lot of them (other than those who are also regulars here and I won't ask you to take sides or get involved).

As I pointed out earlier in the "discussion", if they even asked people not to repost their pictures they would have at least one leg to stand on but since they don't, it seems to me that as they have posted them publicly, the default is that they agree to it. If they want to sue me, let them. I look after the computers for a firm of business lawyers who are also friends and have them at my disposal at no cost.

Right now I am more pissed off than I have ever been in my life so I apologise if I let it show here.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

P.S. I am now banned from SHQ (not just deleted). What a pathetic wretch that Techie Dave is, he deleted the whole thread because I said that the place had gone downhill since he took over.

Someone mentioned a forum where all the other people who he has banned are meeting. I went there once but forgot to bookmark it. Can anyone remind me of what it is please?

Oh well, let's close the book on that chapter and move onwards and upwards.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 10:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree with you completely. If anyone chooses to put their pictures in the public domain then they run the risk of them being posted elswhere. I am a pro photographer and I wish I had a fiver for every pic I posted on the net that then appeared elsewhere with no payment of course. The internet has developed generally into a free for all with regards to sharing, stealing or using someone elses copywritten material, regardless of the subject matter. This is the risk we all run if we post''private'' pictures on the WWW.

I have only made one post here since gaining gold and another member pointed that they were copyrighted. True but then I suspect that more than 90% of the pics on the site are copyrighted even if they don't have the logo visible. Unless the person posting the pics took them or has asked permission to use them then they do not ''legally'' have a right to post them. In practice of course this becomes ridiculous, see my previous paragraph.

As a very good example most people dont know that in France now under their ''Privacy'' law if you take a photograph in the street, any person who appears in the picture(who is recognizable) has a right to demand payment. This is madness in reality, try taking a picure of the Eiffel Tower with no people in it. Some of the greatest candid photos of all time include real people in the streets in many cases they are the subject so candid photography could actually be dead. I for one hope not.

I do feel as member we need some guidance from mods and admin who do a great job on the matter of copyright.

Keep up the excellent work and thanks for a great site.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 7:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I wish I could give you a clear answer. Ideally we would like the board to only contain members' own pictures but at the same time we are totally non-profit-making and the main aim of the board is for like-minded stocking lovers to share the pictures they take and come across. This being the case, I find it hard to think of people posting others' pictures as "theft" since the only person getting any tangible benefit is the person whose banner or advert is on the picture as their site will get more visitors as a result of it being posted here.

I don't believe there have been any test cases yet and I sincerely hope we won't be the first. Our policy is a) amateur pictures only, which will avoid the majority of the problems and keep the board focused on its primary mission, and b) our promise to remove any picture that anyone has a problem with. Hopefully that will keep us out of trouble, provide sufficient guidelines for everyone, but still let us run an interesting board.

We will respond to any complaints about pictures posted here (or anything else for that matter) within 24 hours and one of our mods is also a regular at SHQ so he monitors the posts for any pictures coming from there. Should another site complain, we will do the same for them - i.e. SatinJade has asked me to make sure that pictures of hers that show her face are not posted here and we're happy to do that to the best of our ability.

I hope that helps a bit? Smile
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 11:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for that Simon

I agree that using others pictures is not theft unless there is commercial gain and here there is clearly none.

I think that you and the rest of the team do a great job and all you can do is react if someone makes an issue over a posted picture. I can't see how you can possibly do more.

Thanks for a great site that satisfies the needs of the 1000's of stockings fans.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 8:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

to be honest i think shq is a load of rubbish anyway.most of the pics posted on there dont show any faces on the models,which i think is a complete waste of time.i tried to get involved with the site a good while back,i posted a few comments ect,but my posts were deleted because my grammar wasnt correct !!!! another thing which puzzles me is how do they know our members accessed there photo albums through shq? anyone can browse through the fotki site,veiw peoples albums anonimously and save any pics they want.i might be wrong on this one but as far as i know there were no complaints made about the old proboads site and im sure there must have been lots of " pics posted on there from shq (actually im positive there was),so why are we getting grief when a few pics turn on here ? also,i couldnt imagine us having a male stockings sorry but hairy bow legs in ethel austin hold ups just dont do it for me.

*please note this is my PERSONAL opinion*
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 5:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

jay wrote:
another thing which puzzles me is how do they know our members accessed there photo albums through shq?

You are absolutey right Jay. People posting on SHQ must know that links to Fotki/Flickr added to their SHQ postings does not make these pics the exclusive preserve of SHQ members (incidentally I do post there - and I do hide the wifes face! - as I do on my posts on here) Smile

There is a very recent post on this forum that I have also seen on SHQ - but I cannot see the point in reporting this, as the photos themselves are retrievable by public search on Flickr!
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 6:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

jay wrote:
im sorry but hairy bow legs in ethel austin hold ups just dont do it for me.

How about seamed gio's and six strap suspender then?! Laughing Laughing Laughing
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